This is the manual way to stream your LIVE videos to multiple Facebook pages. We will be setting up LIVEpigeon to be “manually connected” to Facebook with some codes we’ll copy. 

This resource shows you how to schedule pre-recorded videos to your Facebook pages. This usually takes about 5 minutes and is laid out in 10 easy steps!

If you need help, call or email, we are more than happy to help right now!

Phone: 208-400-6999 |  Email:

First, let’s get started with LIVEpigeon!

Click the Destinations Tab on the left sidebar (or button in top right) 

Select the "Add Destination" button.

Input the Stream URL from your destination. For this example we will be scheduling on Facebook.

Now it’s time to open Facebook in a new tab

Navigate to your Facebook profile, page or group 

that you are wanting to schedule to!


In Facebook underneath the “Create Post” prompt, look for a video camera icon that says “Live Video”. Click this!

You will now be in the “Live Producer”. 

Select the Live Event option


Moving toward the center of the page it will say "Get Started". Click the first box, the one that has the key icon and says "Use Stream Key".


Now we are going to use the left hand side menu pane to click on ‘Schedule a Live Video’.

Toward the top right of the screen, it will say ‘Stream Key Setup’. You can copy this by clicking on the blue ‘Copy’ box. Once it is copied, a little check mark will appear inside the blue box.


Go back to LIVEpigeon and paste this Stream Key into the second field where it says “Enter your streaming key here.”

Continue inside of LIVEpigeon to set up the scheduled time and day. Once this is done, click "Schedule".

Final steps: The last few settings on Facebook.



Go back to the left menu panel, and below the “Schedule a Live Video” there is a section labeled “Announcement Post”.

This is where you are going to match the date and time that you gave to LIVEpigeon.


If you keep scrolling down in the left menu, you will see the Title and Description boxes that you can fill out for the video.

*Optional Step

If you have a thumbnail photo that you want to set for your post, just select “Select an Image”.


Below the title and description is the option to crosspost to more pages. Click this!

A pop up will appear where you can select the different pages that you are an admin of.

Once you have selected the different pages, click on the blue box at the very bottom that says "Schedule Live Video" and you are done!

A pop up from Facebook will come up that confirms your scheduled streaming.

Congratulations! You have now scheduled your 

LIVE video to Facebook!