When embedding onto your website using LIVEpigeon you may get an error message stating "Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner". This is because your LIVE video is set to Private, either manually or automatically. If it is manually set, you can simply go into your YouTube Studio and change the privacy settings. If it is set automatically, that is usually caused by a restriction on your account. Follow the steps below to solve this issue.

Your Account is not fully verified

The reason your Youtube LIVE videos are automatically being set to Private is because your account hasn't been fully verified. Youtube requires creators to verify their identity through 1 of 3 methods before giving them all of the features on their account. Alternatively, if you don't want to verify your identity, you will need to be active on that account for 2 months to gain full feature access.

Note: The only other reason your videos would be automatically private is if the Google Account is part of a business and has restrictions on what the account has access to.

How to check if your account is fully verified

Step 1: Go to the YouTube homepage and click on your icon in the top right

  • Select "YouTube Studio"

Step 2: Click on "Settings" at the bottom left on the sidebar

Step 3: Go to the YouTube homepage and click on your icon in the top right

From here you can check to see if you have access to Advanced Features. If you don't have access, you can click on the dropdown arrow to find out which method you want to use.

The verification methods are:

  • Establish channel history 
    • "Follow our Community Guidelines to build channel history. For most creators, this usually takes up to 2 months. If you used your ID or video verification to access advanced features, we'll mc delete it from your Google Account after history is established."
  • Use a Valid ID
    • "Take a photo of your valid ID (like a passport or driver's license to gain quick access to advanced features. After 2 months of channel activity and following our Community Guidelines, you'll establish channel history and we'll automatically delete your ID."
  • Create a video verification 
    • "Simply look at your phone's camera and follow the prompts (look up or down, etc.) to get quick access to advanced features. After 2 months of channel activity and following our Community Guidelines, you'll establish channel history and we'll automatically delete your video."

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team! Thank you for your patience.