We have had users experience an issue with Facebook that can prevent them from going LIVE to their personal profile. This can be caused by certain permissions expiring after a period of time that need to be renewed. Here is how to can renew those settings.

• Go to the Destinations Tab and select the Settings icon

• Click Facebook Settings

• If you see the message "Some permissions have expired" then you need to click on "View and edit"

If you do not see this message you can view this article to troubleshoot further.

• Once open, it will list at the top of the window which permissions have expired. The main culprit as to why you would not be able to go LIVE is if the "Publish Video to your Timeline on your Behalf" option is listed.

• Simply click the "Renew" button and then select "Save"

Now you should be able to go LIVE to Facebook using LIVEpigeon once again! As shown in the above image, Facebook states that some permissions will expire after 90 days. Because of this, we recommend checking these settings if you have future issues going LIVE to Facebook using LIVEpigeon.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team!

(208)400-6999 • support@livepigeon.com