We hope all users are enjoying using our Zoom plan! We've tried to build it to the best of our ability so that users can rely on it's stability. As much as we would love it to, sometimes things don't always go as expected. We can work so hard on something and there can still be the occasional issue. If you do run into issues, here is something you can do to share more info with our team at LIVEpigeon. This will help us find out what exactly went wrong so we can avoid things like that in the future. We want to make the software as reliable as possible and we can do that with your help!

Step 1:

Click on the LIVEpigeon App in the top toolbar. It will be located towards the top right of your screen near your volume icon. This will make a drop down appear underneath the app. Go ahead and select "Show Logs" to see your most recent logs.

Step 2:

You should now see at least one log file for LIVEpigeon. If there is only one, proceed to step 4. If there are multiple, go ahead and highlight them all. You can do this by clicking and holding over the top one, so long as it is currently unhighlighted, and drag downwards until they are all highlighted. 

Step 3:

After highlighting all the logs available, right click. You should see some options pop-up here. Go ahead and select "Compress" from the list. This will wrap all your logs into a single zip folder.

Step 4:

Now that you have your logs, go ahead and rename them to "LIVEpigeon (your account name)". This is so we can easily track whose logs are whose. Once you have that done, you are ready to send it to us! Go ahead and attach the file to an email and send it to support@livepigeon.com. We will be sure to respond to you once we get it so that you know we have received it and our team is looking into it.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team!

(208) 400-6999 • support@livepigeon.com