The Completed Section
The Completed section is where you can find all your past streams. You can even see details such as their title and description or even see their total stream duration. This is great for keeping track of how your streams are going and to make sure everything went off without any issues. If you don't see one of your streams here, that could mean it either had an issue streaming or that you deleted it from your completed section. There are even more features to introduce you to!
Extra Actions
There are a couple of actions you can perform within the completed section. You can click "Copy Link" to copy the link for your completed streams in case you want to share it with any of your viewers who missed it when it was LIVE. You can also click "View Post" to be taken to your stream directly.
Edit Event
"Edit Event" is specifically a feature for our Zoom users. This gives users a quick way to edit their past events from the completed section. It will take you to the event that has the corresponding meeting name. If the meeting was deleted from your Zoom section, it won't be able to take you to that meeting as it no longer exists.
You can filter your completed streams in multiple different ways. Filter by when it was created, such as just streams from the past week or streams from all time. If you are looking for streams of a certain platform, you can also filter between those. You can also choose to either sort by newest streams first or oldest streams first.
Analytics are a way to track certain stats of your streams. You can track things like the comments on your stream and also see how many viewers you had at any given time. You can find more about analytics in our article here. This feature is available to all of our main integrations for streaming, which includes Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
Resend Pigeon
Resend Pigeon is a way to stream any of your past streams with the exact same settings of the initial stream. It will keep the initial title and description so you don't have to retype those. You can choose to go LIVE now or even schedule your pigeon, regardless of if you did a "Go LIVE Now" or scheduled the initial pigeon. This feature is avaialble to all streaming platforms, including stream key!
The "Delete" feature is available to all platforms. This just gives the user the option to delete any of their completed history. This is just for if users would like to reduce clutter. We never delete any of your stream history, so it will all be available to you unless you choose to delete any of it manually.
That is all that the Completed section has to offer! It's a great way to keep track of your past streams and to also get some extra details about those streams. Check your completed section to make sure all your streams went out without any issues!
If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team!
(208) 400-6999 •